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Inspiring Young Artists at a National Art Competition

Inspiring Young Artists at a National Art Competition

Lucy, our award-winning artist, had the honour of being a judge for this year’s Rotary Young Artist Competition. The competition brought together talented young artists from across Great Britain and Ireland, all eager to showcase their work on this year’s theme, "Rebuilding."

This competition is about giving young creatives, aged 10 to 17, the chance to express themselves through art. Each piece reflects their unique take on the theme, and Lucy was blown away by the diversity and depth of the entries this year. The young artists didn’t hold back in showing the judges what "rebuilding" means to them, from personal stories to global issues.

Lucy was joined on the judging panel by Vicky Elliott, our Communications Director, and Louise Hay, Managing Director of the Fine Art Trade Guild. Together, they had the tough but rewarding job of choosing the winners from a stunning array of artworks. These pieces didn’t just impress with their technical skill – they told powerful stories of hope and renewal.

Lucy shared her thoughts on the experience: "It was truly inspiring to see how these young artists brought the theme of rebuilding to life in such creative and diverse ways. The level of talent and emotional depth on display was extraordinary, and it was a real privilege to be part of this competition."

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The winners were nothing short of remarkable, each one using their art to explore themes that resonate with many people. From climate change to personal growth, these young artists showed that art has the power to rebuild and renew.

Lucy will be at the Fine Art Trade Guild Art & Framing Expo to celebrate these amazing young talents and to continue supporting the importance of creativity in overcoming challenges and building a brighter future.

For more information about Lucy Pittaway and her involvement in the Rotary Young Artist Competition, please refer to the information contained in this link: 2023-24 Young Artist Information Pack or email: